Mr. President – Your Department of Education Needs Help

(You can see the entire report here)

President Obama
The White House Office
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.
Washington, DC 20500

Mr. President,

There are many Americans who are aligned with your goal of “eliminating programs that don’t work”. This goal is attainable and especially important as our tax dollars are being used to support a failing economy. Every penny we send you to support our economy is being watched more closely by the American public now than ever before. That is why we are providing our energy and efforts to make your vision a reality – especially when it comes to giving you the money we so badly need for our families.

Included is our proposal for a “report card” documenting accountability for our Federal Government organizations. The first is the Department of Education whose projects are successful only 29% of the time. 717 objectives completed at least 1 year had NO PERFORMANCE CRITERIA. No private business would authorize this type of expenditures with no goal insight or with only a 29% success rate.

We did not attempt to define the usefulness of their programs – we have simply used their FY 2009 Program Performance Plan. GM, Chrysler, GE or any other company simply could not succeed with the level of performance of our Department of Education. You are asking them to change, are you willing to make the same difficult decisions you are asking private business to make?

We do not just preach change, we have written our blueprint for a Department of Education that is 100% focused on the quality of education. We believe, like you, that graduates of every American college should be the best educated in the world. And as we attain that goal, America returns to dominance in all industries. This program saves over $63B annually and can be implemented in 4 years.

With 52M students in American 13,500 public school districts it is impossible for a federal organization to keep abreast of the requirements in every community. The $63B budget for the Department of Education only provides $1,219 per student! A $63B budget misleads the Americans into believing that the government is doing something about education when in fact 53% of all programs only affect the disabled, low income and minority segments of our society.

We are here to help and this is the first of the 23 report cards we are creating. Allow “Change” to become a verb and not an adjective!

For a better America!

Bryant Delaney

(You can see the entire report here)

One comment on “Mr. President – Your Department of Education Needs Help

  1. 04/30/2009 bryant

    “A New Era of Responsibility”
    “The path to jobs and growth begins in America’s classrooms. The decisions we make about how to educate our children will shape our future for generations to come. They will determine not just whether our children have the chance to fulfill their God-given potential, or whether our workers have the chance to build a better life for their families, but whether we, as a nation, will remain in the 21st Century, the kind of global economic leader that we were in the twentieth. If we want to out-compete the world tomorrow, we must out-educate the world today.”
    — President Barack Obama

    “To re-gain control over our own destiny we must first realize that today we are the world’s leader in consumption which puts Americans at the mercy of those who innovate and manufacture. The kind of global economic leaders who will follow in our footsteps and improve upon the path we create today must be the world’s best educated. With limited taxpayer dollars we can and will implement a solid blueprint to create the best-in-class educational system anywhere in the world. We will implement measurable systems that go far beyond student assessment programs and hold students, instructors and administrators accountable. Over the next 4 years we will create and implement a new and dynamic system where efficiency and progress work in tandem to instill the values of education into parents, students, teachers and administrators.”
    — Bryant Delaney,

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