1 – Why Chaos?

For generations America was thought to have 3 segments within our society –the poor, the middle class and the wealthy. As the 21st century begins we are only starting to realize the fallacy of these generalizations.  We are left only with hypothesis, as the truth of these deceptions may never be revealed. I am neither the first nor the last to add my two cents into the guessing game.

Today we are expected to accept that which we have been brainwashed to believe which is why we need CHAOS NOW.

Prior to the 1990’s there have been two major creations of wealth. The first occurred with land owners when America broke away from England; The second occurred over a longer period of time, basically from the late 1800’s and the early 1900’s, as the land barons of the west became rich and joined the first who began the industrialization of America.

During these 2 periods of wealth creation the total American population was very small, with the majority of Americans living in rural areas providing food for the few in the cities. Government did nothing to get involved as communication was difficult, frequently taking days to cross the country. Today we live in neighborhoods that comprise a city, back then people lived with those of the same ethnic or work background. Farmers lived with farmers, Irish lived with Irish, Catholic with Catholic etc. While we think times have changed, they really haven’t however that is when the concept of the “American Dream” started and the wealth tycoons of that era used their assets as evidence of the attainable American Dream.

The two periods of wealth creation in recent memory – the dot coms and Wall Street – were failed from the beginning because of the confused sense of the American Dream and the purpose of Government.  Even today we still have belief in the American Dream – we expect to somehow retire and live the easy life not really having a clue as to how we are going to get there. Now with union pensions dissolving, 30 year careers with any company as hard to find as a living dinosaur, 401K savings starting from scratch and no long term solutions in sight, just exactly what is the American Dream?

Option 1: Let’s Believe

Forget for now the prepositions of Them, You and I and accept the reality of rich, middleclass and poor. The category you fit into isn’t really a concern for Option 1 because in Option 1 we are going to continue believing the same way we have.

As we continue down this path we believe the government will protect us. In the “Let’s  Believe Option” the definition of the American Dream hasn’t changed at all! We still

believe hard work will create a path to improve our lives above that of our parents, who improved their lives over their parents. This idyllic cycle can be compared to a beautiful peaceful ride in a hot air balloon.  The scenery is spectacular with only the wind at our backs and the occasional burst of heat keeping the air hot in the balloon.

We do what we are told – If we work hard, invest in our 401K’s and play by the rules we can retire with a home in the city and one in the country. We do not fight the system or question those in power, we just do what we are told is right and the American Dream will be ours.

Option 2: CHOAS NOW

Option 1 is exactly what THEY have planned for over 100 years. THEY want us to follow along like perfect minions doing what they tell us to. As good little slaves, we are expected to accept reality as it is presented to us. Much like the movie, “the Matrix,” someone else is controlling our strings and adjusting our lives for their personal gain.

Now we are back to ME, YOU and THEM. After a life of dedicated work, with personal sacrifices to family, friends and all other things that provide calm and serenity to our lives, THEY put a hole in our hot air balloon just as they did with the Wall Street bust of 2008- leaving us with nothing.

Generations of hard working people –nearly all the middle class, have had their life savings wiped out. These people did as they were told and were led down a primrose path of lies. We can spend the next couple of decades discussing the Government’s culpability in our current predicament or we can create CHAOS NOW. Just to add a little more fuel to your thinking, I don’t blame the Government, I blame THEM because THEY control the Government.

Why should we debate if a few greedy guys who run massive Wall Street firms make too much money? Do we really have the time to deal with this? After all, if YOU didn’t want the (new) American Dream would they have done anything wrong? If YOU didn’t want the bigger house, more luxurious car, the platinum credit card- would the Wall Street executives and brokers be making so much money?

The problem is YOU allowing THEM to put YOU in their back pockets. The only way to stop THEM is CHAOS NOW. YOU have dug a hole too deep and now YOU are in the hole covering up your head with the dirt you just dug out. What good is a little dirt on your head going to do? Is it going to restore your savings? Is the dirt from the earth going to get your old job back? Huddling by yourself blaming someone else for your mistakes, is that going to restore your marriage or your relationship with your children?

Now when YOU are needed most, YOU are hiding. Now when the enemy believes YOU are down is when YOU need to take the offensive.  Now YOU need to accept the fact that YOU are the problem. YOU cannot expect the Government to fix your problems. YOU cannot expect the Wall Street Bankers who ruined YOUR life and YOUR retirement to lend a helping hand. You cannot expect the government to bail YOU out the government is spending all YOUR money bailing THEM out! YOU have to speak up and not to your elected politicians. As in 1776, YOUR voice can and will make the difference, but not if YOU continue doing things according to the status quo.

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