Mad as Hell!

There comes a time when words are not enough. As the health care debate rolled though the end of 2009 my anger reached the point where words were not cutting it. The stupidity of our elected officials was just too much. Starting at the top with President Obama and permeating though the Senate and House of Representatives it became very evident that a politician will say anything to get elected.

Now we are going through round 2 of health care as if it is the only subject that American’s care about. With millions of people unemployed, with millions of business on the brink of survival, with the American dollar nearly worthless, with the debt of the United States reaching staggering numbers who really cares about health care?

If American’s had income the issue with health care would be much smaller. SHARE the WEALTH not SPREAD the WEALTH is the foundation of this country and when American’s have money in their pocket they can afford to pay for health care without government interruption.

So don’t sit back and wait to see what happens. Engage in the conversation. You two cents are important. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Don’t allow the representatives you elected make decisions you don’t understand  or don’t agree with.

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