Senator Bennet Asks for Help

Senator Bennet,

Every elected official asks for input but nothing changes. But here is my effort in futility anyway.

Your reforms are nice words but time has proven they are just more campaign rhetoric. As our elected officials further their efforts to eliminate the middle class, our voice is also reduced to a murmur.  The People need a voice that resonates unlike a politician. Speak words of reality!  Special interest groups and lobbyist are not the issue. These are the issues and the solutions WITH NO NEW TAXES:

1) JOBS! Do not give money to banks or other business. Give the money to the PEOPLE! It is our money anyway and we are the ones who spend the money to keep local business going.

2) CREDIT! The credit card reform is a joke since every bank is not issuing new credit anyway. Many of us live on debt cards which are now seeing the fees formally on credit cards. IMMEDIATELY put a cap on all bank fees and cap interest on all loans to 8%. All Loans including business or personal lines of credit

3) MORTGAGE PROTECTION! When the money from #1 is given to the People many will have the ability to keep their mortgage. To further help People keep their homes and stabilize property values, IMMEDIATLEY all mortgage interest is capped at 3%.

4) HEALTH CARE! Encourage Americans to participate in Health Care programs with No INCOME TAX on any medical expenses for businesses or individuals.

5) RETIREMENT: 100% of all deposits into an authorized retirement fund are tax deductable.

The American economy is based on the People. Let the People decide which businesses succeed or fail not the Government. Our problems are because of the titles Democrat and Republican and it is time to place those words in history books. If you want to “change” Washington D.C. you must speak words that result in a stronger American family, which then results in a stronger economy. Protect the People to stop the influence of business.

We are available to present the details behind these ideas as many of us have already spent the time and researched the issues. We know how to solve Washington’s problems.


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