The White House Office
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.
Washington, DC 20500
Mr. President,
There are many Americans who are aligned with your goal of “eliminating programs that don’t work”. This goal is attainable and especially important as our tax dollars are being used to support a failing economy. Every penny we send you to support our economy is being watched more closely by the American public now than ever before. That is why we are providing our energy and efforts to make your vision a reality – especially when it comes to giving you the money we so badly need for our families.
We do not just preach change, we have written our blueprint for a Department of Education that is 100% focused on the quality of education. We believe, like you, that graduates of every American college should be the best educated in the world. And as we attain that goal, America returns to dominance in all industries. This program saves over $63B annually and can be implemented in 4 years.
With 52M students in American 13,500 public school districts, it is impossible for a federal organization to keep abreast of the requirements in every community. The $63B budget for the Department of Education only provides $1,219 per student! A $63B budget misleads the Americans into believing that the government is doing something about education when in fact 53% of all programs only affect the disabled, low income and minorities.
We are here to help!
For a better America!
“To re-gain control over our own destiny we must first realize that today we are the worlds’ leader in consumption which puts Americans at the mercy of those that innovate and manufacture. The kind of global economic leaders that will follow in our footsteps and improve upon the path we create today must be the world’s best educated. With limited taxpayer dollars, we can and will implement a solid blueprint to create the best-in-class educational system anywhere in the world. We will implement measurable systems that go far beyond student assessment programs and hold students, instructors and administrators accountable. Over the next 4 years we will create and implement a new and dynamic system where efficiency and progress work in tandem to instill the values of education into parents, students, teachers and administrators.”
The Department of Education Federal Report Card
The Peoples Platform re-defines the focus on the Department of Education (DDED) at the Federal level. The federal government has proven their inability to provide equality and quality direction or funding to all school districts throughout the 50 States. The people at the City, County and State levels are much better equipped to define the goals and objectives of their own school districts.
In a radical department from the current environment, the function of the federal government is to define the knowledge that school districts cannot afford on their own – collecting, assimilating, translating and distributing world class curriculum. These resources are highly redundant for every school district to perform yet critical to get our educational system out of a vacuum. The responsibility of the federal government is to analyze best in class practices worldwide and provide the framework and measurable for the independent school districts to follow.
5,000 Employees – $63.4B Budget
1,626 Employees – $376M Budget
$63.02B Annually
Blueprint for Change
The mission of the Department of Education is to insure America’s schools provide best in class educations equally to all students capable of learning. This is accomplished through the monitoring of world class curriculum, processes and procedures in the top 10 Countries.
The organization is modeled after a large corporation and applicable to any size company. The goals and objectives are defined at the top and then sliced and diced to lower level groups until each employee understands their requirements to attain the goal. The Department of Education starts by defining the subject matter – the 35 Master Degree programs. The Assistant Secretary Graduate Studies (ASGS) is responsible for a team that defines the world class subject matter that sets the framework for all grade levels. The organizational chart in Figure 1 is much easier to understand than the current organizational chart in Figure 3 and provides substantially more accountability with real time measurable results.
The ASGS is authorized 700 employees – 20 for each of the primary 25 Master Degree programs – with the goal of developing the curriculum required to graduate students with the best education in the world.
The plans developed by the ASGS are provided to the other Assistant Secretaries for each of the lower grade levels who in turn, define their segment of the curriculum for the appropriate grade levels. As the process evolves, all K-12 and bachelor degree programs are completed.
• A staff of 200 translators to translate foreign language materials into English
• A staff of 300 administrators to assimilate and distribute the materials to the school districts
• Doctorate program criteria are up to each establishment to define
Table 1-Budget (see PDF file)
While the proposed budget defines specific salaries, the Secretary of Education’s salary is based on the average of the President in all public universities. The Assistant Secretary of Graduate Studies is based on the average pay of all teaching professors at public universities; the other Assistant Secretaries are based on the average pay of all teachers in public schools for their grade levels. The curriculum is based on a 5 year program with updates every year. The curriculum includes tests that validate the students have the ability to apply the instruction in real life situations.
To out-compete the world today or tomorrow in the private or public sector, we need programs with the right goals and objectives that are measurable. It is the responsibility of the leadership to set the goals and hold those responsible accountable for the results.
Any government must be run with the same level of responsibility as a private corporation. Recent actions in the financial and automotive industries are concrete evidence that the government holds the leadership of private companies accountable. Now is the time to have our government to demonstrate provide the type of leadership that sets the example for private business and governments worldwide.
The best leaders have the best supporting cast. They aggregate the thoughts, concepts and visions from people with diverse experiences and create a plan, implement the plan, then measure the success of the plan. DOI2 aggregates the thoughts and ideals of the common American – a solid group of people who believe in America as the best place in the world.
We present our plans to re-organize our government into a supporting organization not one that dictates. A government for the people, by the people mandates that the people are always involved in the decisions of the government not just during election time.
Target Master Degree Programs
1. Master of Accountancy
2. Master of Administrative Science
3. Master of Aeronautic Engineering
4. Master of Agriculture
5. Master of Applied Science
6. Master of Architecture
7. Master of Arts
a. Master of Arts in Teaching
b. Master of Arts in History
c. Master of Fine Arts
d. Master of Museum Studies
e. Master of Music
f. Master of Sacred Music
g. Master of Vocal Performance
8. Master of Business Administration
a. Master of Business Studies
b. Master of Business and Engineering
c. Master of Business Informatics
d. Master of International Business
e. Master of Purchasing & Logistics
f. Master of Product Development
9. Master of Chemistry
10. Master of Commerce
11. Master of Communication
a. Master of Communication and Leadership Studies
b. Master of Journalism
12. Master of Computer Science
a. Master of Computer Applications
b. Master of Computing
c. Master of Information Systems
d. Master of Information Technology
13. Master of Criminal Justice
14. Master of Customs Administration
15. Master of Design
a. Master of City and Regional Planning
b. Master of Urban Planning
c. Master of Real Estate Development
16. Master of Divinity
17. Master of Education
a. Master of Higher Education
b. Master of Professional Studies
c. Master of Teaching
18. Master of Engineering
a. Master of Engineering Management
19. Master of Enterprise
20. Master of Finance
a. Master of Financial Economics
b. Master of Quantitative Finance
c. Master of Economics
21. Master of Forensic Science
22. Master of Geography
23. Master of Human Relations
24. Master of Laws
a. Master of Law and Business
b. Master of European Law
c. Master of Studies in Law
25. Master of Liberal Arts
a. Master of Letters
b. Master of Historic Preservation
26. Master of Library and Information Science
27. Master of Management
a. Master of Management Science
28. Master of Mathematics
a. Master of Computational and Applied Mathematics
b. Master of Physics
c. Master of Statistics
29. Master of Health Administration
a. Master of Health Science
b. Master of Nursing
c. Master of Physician Assistant Studies
d. Master of Pharmacy
e. Master of Veterinary Science
30. Master of Mental Science
a. Master of Philosophy
b. Master of Social Science
c. Master of Social Work
d. Master of Psychology
e. Master of Neuroscience
f. Master of Rehabilitation Counseling
31. Master of Public Administration
a. Master of Public Health
b. Master of Public Policy
32. Master of Research
33. Master of Science
a. Master of Science in Finance
b. Master of Science in Information Technology
c. Master of Science in Management
d. Master of Science in Marketing Management
34. Master of Sports Science
35. Master of Theology
Blueprint Implementation
Step 1.
Aggregate the top Americans in each of the 35 Master Degree programs combining academia and the private sectors.
Step 2.
Identify the impact of closing all current DDED programs and develop a 3 year plan to assist State and Local school districts to compensate.
Step 3.
Tax Programs: State and Local organizations need to establish new taxes to compensate for the lower Federal tax.
Step 4.
Identify the top 10 programs in each of the Master Degree programs in the world. Gather their curriculum (and start translating when required). The staff at all the U.S. public and private universities must be included in the process.
Step 5.
Create the outline of studies at the Master Degree level and work with each of the other grade levels to define their curriculum. All the text books and other media must include viable testing processes.
Step 6.
Work with the text book publishers and authors to develop new content.
More: The Department of Education Federal Report Card – click to open PDF File
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