The Wrong View of Health Care

The Wrong View of Health Care

It is rare that I will give someone like Kieth Oberman the time of day. But his commentary last night had a few points that are important to understand what socialized health means for Americans. I am still searching for a solution to the cost of health care but Oberman’s tirade is exactly what we don’t need.

Here’s a sample:

“Because, ladies and gentlemen, President Lincoln did not promise that this nation shall have a new death of freedom, and that government of the corporation, by the corporation, for the corporation, shall not perish from this earth.”

“Because the insurance industry owns the Republican Party. Not exclusively. Pharma owns part of it, too. Hospitals and HMO’s, another part. Nursing homes — they have a share. You name a Republican, any Republican, and he is literally brought to you by… campaign donations from the Health Sector.”

The majority of  his comments were identifying republican’s who have accepted contributions from health care organizations. So What? Over the past decades both parties have accepted such contributions. (Is this any different than the financial institutions giving money to Democrats to get their polices passed?)

“Where in the U.S. Constitution is Congress given the authority to do anything about the economy?” (from the Patriot

The Constitution does not provide elected officials  the authority to control the economy. The Federal Reserve Board/Bank are a group of private individuals who have run the economy since 1919, and probably before. I personally do not agree with a private organization profiteering from our elected officials creating debt that we must repay, but that is another subject.

When a popular talking head compares abortion rights to government health care, millions of Americans follow the same mental brainwashing that creates our political problems.

“Because Sen. Thune, if you really think “bureaucrats and politicians” need to get out of the way of “patients and their doctors,” then you support a woman patient’s right to get an abortion, and you supported Michael Schiavo’s right to take his wife off life support, and you oppose “bureaucrats and politicians” getting in the way, and we’ll just mark you down on the pro-choice list.”

Abortion isn’t about getting in the way of a patient-doctor privilege. The issue surrounding abortion is about murder. Personally I support a women choice, but the political chaos is because science hasn’t proven when life starts. (Again, another subject).

When anyone speaks about issues without equal time for the opposing views, they are creating the pied piper effect which we certainly experienced in the last election. Words do not create action. Describing change does not create change. Voters must not listen to the words but understand what the words represent. “Ending the war in Iraq” are great words but we must also hear the words “increasing the war in Afghanistan”. “Closing Guantanamo” are great words, but with no place to put the people there, it is a promise without prior thought.  “Affordable health care for everyone” is a majestic goal, but without asking how it is going to work is blind faith.

American’s must get past the Oberman mentality of degrading one group of people in order for another to succeed. This is acceptable behavior for sporting events but a total failure when used to improve the lives of Americans.

The people must stop fighting political party wars and use the energy to adopt our own platform. We the People must tell politicians what we want and not have to vote for the best of the worst.

One comment on “The Wrong View of Health Care

  1. 10/07/2009 Tania

    Thank you! I would now go on this blog every day!

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